Diagonal Mirror
There is a diagonal mirror in the TUB used to direct light
into the science instrument, guide camera, both or neither.
The four positions for the diagonal mirror can be selected
from the sdiagmir_fe program. sdiagmir_fe is started by typing
sdiagmir_fe on shanevnc, gouda or karnak computers.
- Position 1 puts the diagonal mirror out of the light path,
sending all light into the science instrument.
- Position 2 puts a full surface flat mirror into the beam, which
diverts all the light to the guide camera for field acquisition; no
light reaches the detector. A white card on the back of the mirror in
position 2 directs light from the TUB quartz or line lamps onto the slit
for setting up or wavelength calibration.
- In position 3, a portion of the diagonal mirror that has a hole
in it is positioned so that light from the object passes through the
hole to the detector, and the surrounding mirror is available for
offset guiding.
- In position 4, the mirror is entirely out of the way, but a
periscope is in position to view the slit. The slit jaws are tilted
slightly, and light reflected from them is directed to the periscope,
which passes the light on to the guide camera for guiding.
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Last modified: Mon Sep 19 18:09:35 PDT 2016