The declination motion is limited by a screw which travels in a pillow
at the top of the declination tangent arm. This screw is on the polar
axle side of the tube about 10' above the polar axle at the top of the
tangent arm (Fig. 17). When it reaches a limit in its travel you will
get no response from one of the declination buttons. Once this
happens, you will have to run the telescope in the opposite direction
(i.e., the direction of the only working dec button) for a long enough
time to recenter the worm in its block - perhaps a minute - then
approximately recenter the object by unlocking the dec clamp and
moving the telescope by hand. Once recentered, one usually doesn't
run out of dec travel for another couple of nights. Checking the
centering at the beginning of the night may prevent interrupting an
observation later.
Figure 17