UCO/Lick Observatory


Observational Astronomy Workshop

October 10 - October 14, 2019

Lick Observatory, Mt Hamilton, CA

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Apply: 2019-08-05--2019-09-27

Applications shall be considered in the order in which they are received, with the following caveats:
  • The number of participants is limited to 20 persons. Typically, number of applications received exceeds places available.
  • Preference shall be given to early phase graduate students registered within the University of California system.
  • Ideally, selected participants should reflect the constituencies of those UC campuses engaged in an appropriate research discipline (e.g. astronomy/atrophysics/engineering/planetary science).
  • Surplus applications shall be wait-listed. In the event that places become available due to cancellation, wait-listed applicants shall be contacted via electronic mail and offered the place on a first come, first served basis.
  • Applicants personal schedules may change. Some applicants may discover that they are unable to attend, thus potentially providing late availability of a place for another applicant. Hence, if an applicant discovers after applying that they are unable to attend, please contact us at the earliest opportunity, so the vacated place can be reassigned.
  • During the application period, the list of participants shall be intermittently updated with applicant names, year of study and campus. The final list of participants shall be published in early October 2019. Shortly thereafter, participants may be requested to confirm their availability to attend Mount Hamilton.