User's Guide to the Tauchmann 22-inch Telescope

Table of Contents

Dome Floor and Tarps
Telescope Control Box
Dome Shutter and Rotation
Mirror Covers
Finder Scope & Telrad
Eyepieces and Selection
Mt. Hamilton Homepage

Dome Floor and Tarps

Dome Floor | Tarps

Dome Floor

Dome floor access is via a short stairway with a hatch to the floor above (Figure 1). When first entering the dome, the hatch is usually closed, so one will need to open it, by carefully pushing up on it, to get up onto the dome floor.

Once on the dome floor, use the ring handle on the hatch to lower it carefully into place and install the safety railing (Figure 2).

The floor is uneven and there are gaps around the telescope pier, so exercise due care when walking around the dome.

To leave the dome floor, carefully remove the safety railing and lift the hatch using the ring handle.

Figure 1: Dome Floor Access Stairs and Hatch

Figure 2: Dome Stairs Hatch Closed with Safety Railing Installed


Large tarps cover the desk, telescope, and telescope control box. The telescope actually has two tarps, the large one that covers everything, and under it, a second tarp that covers the eyepieces, finder scope, and primary mirror of the telescope (Figure 3).

Carefully remove the tarps, fold them, and place them out of way so that people won't trip on them. It is recommended to remove tarps before opening the dome, because the tarps are hard to manage and fold if there is any wind.

When putting the tarps in place at the end of the night, be sure that everything is covered properly beause the dome has significant leaks during inclement weather.

Figure 3: Small Tarp on Tauchmann to Protect Eyepieces, Finder Scope, and Primary Mirror

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Last modified: Fri Feb 14 11:29:23 PST 2025