Eyepieces and Selection
The Tauchmann telescope has two eyepieces (Figure 1): a fixed widefield eyepiece and an eyepiece holder that accepts standard 1.25" eyepieces that can be changed according to the seeing conditions and desired magnification. One is welcome to bring their own eyepieces for use at the telescope. The Tauchmann telescope is f/14.2 (focal length 7935mm), so a 25mm eyepiece gives a magnification of 317.
The tertiary mirror of the telescope is on a stage to rotate it to send light to one of the eyepieces. Use the eyepiece selection lever (Figure 1) to move the tertiary mirror to either position.
Focusing the Wide Field Eyepiece is done using the Focus switch on the Telescope Control Box. After that is done, focusing the 1.25" eyepiece is done by adjusting its position in the drawtube.
Figure 1: Finder Scope, Telrad, Eyepiece, and Eyepiece Selecctor Lever Locations
Support Astronomers Last modified: Fri Feb 14 14:34:56 PST 2025