Observing Hints
Listed here are some basic procedures often performed when using the Nickel Telescope.
Under Construction
Homing the Telescope | Pointing Check and Setting Guider Fiducial | Dome Flats | Telescope Focus | Guider Focus
On the afternoon of the first night of an observing run, it is
advisable to home the telescope before opening the dome for the night.
On rare occasions, it may be necessary to home the telescope during
the night (e.g. when you can't find a star or there is a mechanical
Homing the telescope is best done with the dome closed (always close
the mirror cover before opening or closing the dome), so that wind
buffetting doesn't affect the telescope as it finds its fiducials.
The homing GUI can be brought up from the POCO
software by clicking on Functions - Home Telescope.... Once
the Telescope Homing Control GUI
is up, click on Slew Home for
both the HA and Dec axes (both axes can be homed at the same time).
The state will count down from "10 - Slew Home" to "1 - Axis is Homed".
Normally homing takes less than 10 minutes.
If for some reason homing fails, contact a support astronomer or telescope
technician for assistance.
Finding the first star of the night and fine tuning the pointing of
the telescope is usually done during twilight (usually after twilight
flats are completed). To check pointing do the following:
Procedures for doing dome flats depends on the instrument. Refer to the
following for details:
Focusing the telescope involves moving the secondary mirror up or down via
the POCO Focus Telescope GUI.
Focus procedures are instrument specific. Please refer to the following
for details:
Procedure depends on the instrument:
Last modified: Thu Mar 30 10:01:01 PDT 2017
Homing the Telescope
Pointing Check and Setting Guider Fiducial
Dome Flats
Telescope Focus
Guider Focus