A complete listing of the great many astronomy-related websites useful to observers is far
beyond the scope of this page. What follows is a selection of those we've found most useful.
For a much more comprehensive listing, we suggest the
AstroWeb, a database of astronomy links
maintained by the AstroWeb Consortium.
(Weather links are listed separately.) |
Center for Adaptive Optics at UCSC LLNL Astrophysics LLNL Laser Guide Star/Adaptive Optics UCB Astronomy UCB Space Sciences Laboratory UCI Physics and Astronomy UCR Physics and Astronomy |
UCLA Division of Astronomy and Astrophysics UCLA Infrared Imaging Detector Laboratory UCO / Lick Observatory UCSB Dept. of Physics UCSC Dept. of Astronomy and Astrophysics UCSD Center of Astrophysics & Space Sciences UCM Physic and Astronomy | |
Institutes of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP's): UCLA | UCSC | UCSD | UCR |
OTHER ASTRONOMY LINKS | TOP | ||||||||||||||||||||||||