Hamilton Thorium-Argon Spectrum (Pre-2011-12-10).
The overexposed Argon lines at the top of the image are a necessary
evil of the Th-Ar lamp. They may be partly suppressed by using a bg38
filter, but at the cost of also suppressing useful lines in the red.
Note that the image is shown here as it appears in
the data-taker's image display, with the row-column origin (0,0) at
upper left. Many displays programs put the origin at lower left.
The dark vertical strip on the right is the CCD's overscan region.
m = order number
Only order numbers are given here. For wavelengths of individual
lines, refer to Lick Observatory
Technical Report #73, The Hamilton Spectrograph TH-AR Atlas by M. D.
Shetrone (it's a green, paperbound book, copies of which should be floating
around in the 3-m and CAT control rooms). The UCB astronomy department has
also upublished an on-line, Hamilton-specific,
Thorium-Argon atlas.