The 3-meter Shane Reflector (and its CAT) |
By the end of World War II, after more than fifty years of operation, Lick Observatory
still relied primarily on two 19th-century telescopes, the Great 36-inch Refractor and the
36-inch Crossely Reflector. These instruments had once been considered giants, but fifty years
had seen them slip from dominance as the world's largest, to a modest position
among the larger telescopes at other observatories that had sprung up in the first half of the
20th-century. Mount Wilson, 300 miles to the south, had become the major force in astrophysics
with its 60- and 100-inch reflectors. The 200-inch reflector at Mount Palomar was nearing
completion. Lick astronomers were finding it increasingly difficult to compete at the scientific
It was clear that a large reflecting telescope was needed on Mount Hamilton
to reinvigorate observational astronomy at the University of California. The answer
lay in the 3-meter (120-inch) Shane Reflector. Nearly fifteen years of planning,
design, construction, and testing would be needed before the telescope went into
operation in 1959, but on completion it was second in size only to Mount Palomar.
The 3-meter Reflector catapulted Lick back onto the scientific frontline, where
it remains today. Though now again surpassed in size by a number of others, the 3-meter
remains an important telescope, due to its state-of-the-art
instruments and the productivity of its user community. |
The Shane 3-meter Reflector |
The Dome of the Shane 3-meter Reflector |
In this early picture of the 3-meter, the telescope is
configured for prime focus. The large cylinder at the top end is the "prime focus
cage," at the center of which a small compartment with a small, well-worn chair carried
the night's observer. The fixture has been replaced with a remotely operated prime focus
top end. |
This recent picture, taken from the southwest
under a full moon, shows the Lick Adaptive Optics
laser, beaming skyward from inside the dome. The laser is part of sophisticated
instrument which corrects the effects of atmospheric turbulance on observations.
(photograph by Laurie Hatch) |
The parts of the telescope and its equatorial mount can be seen in the picture at
at left, above. The upward-facing primary mirror (hidden under the closed mirror
cover in this picture) lies at the base of the yellow openwork "tube."
The tube itself is held between the arms of a huge steel "fork," in turn
connected to the polar axle--so called because it is aligned to the north
celestial pole (the axle is hidden from view inside the traingular aluminum housing
below the fork). Rotating the fork around the polar axle sweeps the telescope from
east to west. North-south motion is accomplished by swinging the tube within
the arms of the fork. Watching 145 tons of steel and glass in motion is an awesome sight,
yet the entire structure is so smoothly borne and so finely balanced that once pointed at
its target, the telescope's continuous tracking motion is driven by a
1/25th horsepower electric motor, small enough to hold in the palm of one's
hand! |
The Primary Mirror |
At the heart of every reflecting telescope is the primary mirror. This component, more
than any other, determines a telescope's characteristics; the primary's diameter often giving the telescope
it's name, e.g. the Shane 3-meter. The Shane's primary is a 3-meter Pyrex disk with a honeycomb
backside designed for lightness and rigidity. Its front is an ultra-precise, ultra-smooth, parabolic dish,
accurate to within a millionth of an inch of a perfect geometric figure. The shaping of the 3-meter primary
consumed three years of painstaking grinding and polishing. |
Realuminizing the 3-meter Primary Mirror (See also the
complete pictorial account of the 2000 aluminizing.) |
At left, the mirror, removed from the telescope, is stripped and cleaned in preparation for the new coating.
At center, the clean mirror is lowered toward the vacuum chamber in which it will be recoated.
At right, the newly coated mirror emerges from the chamber with a pristine new surface. |
To make polished glass into a highly reflective mirror, a thin film of aluminum is deposited on
its front surface. Exposure to the elements dulls the aluminum coating, making it less
reflective as time goes by. The old coating must be stripped and replaced every three to five
years. The three pictures above were taken during the 2000 realuminizing of the 3-meter
primary. (See also the complete pictorial account of the 2000
aluminizing.) |
3-meter Configurations: Prime, Cass, & Coude |
The 3-meter was built to satisfy the diverse research requirements of the
rapidly growing community of University of California astronomers. It was given the
necessary versatility to meet the needs of a variety of observations. Not only can
different instruments be mounted on the telescope for different types of
observations, but the telescope itself can be optically reconfigured in a few hours.
It is really three telescopes in one. Light gathered by the primary mirror may be brought
to a focus at three different locations: the efficient, wide-field
prime focus, the long focal-length
coudé for high precision spectroscopy, and the intermediate
cassegrain focus. The choice of focus, like the choice of an
instrument, depends on the requirements of each observing program. |
The Three Optical Configurations of the 3-meter Reflector |
The primary mirror
is common to all three configurations. In each case, parallel beams of starlight bounce off the mirror
and converge to a focus, forming an image. In the case of the
prime focus, the primary is the only mirror, and the image is formed at the top of the telescope.
The cassegrain focus indtroduces a second, much smaller
mirror at the top end, bouncing the light back toward the primary where it passes through a small hole
at the center of the primary before forming the image behind the telescope. Like the cassegrain, the
coude uses a second mirror to reflect the light back down the
telescope tube, but intercepts it with a third mirror which reflects the beam down the polar axle and into
the basement. Each focus has unique properties that lend themselves to particular kinds of instruments
and observations. | |
All three configurations begin with the 3-meter
primary mirror. Starlight falls
on the primary's gently curved surface--slightly deeper at its center than at the
edges--and is reflected upward and inward in a converging cone, toward the top
center of the telescope. Depending on the telescope configuration--prime,
cassegrain, or coudé--the light is allowed to come to a focus at the top of the
telescope, reflected back through a hole in the primary mirror, or bounced all the
way to the basement.
The job of reconfiguring the telescope, called a "focus change," is accomplished
by literally replacing the top end of the telescope. Alternate top ends--heavy
steel rings, the same diameter as the telescope tube--are stowed around the
dome floor. Each supports optics which, when in place atop
the telescope, modifies its characteristics. Using a large crane
mounted at the highest point of the dome, a technician hoists the appropritate
ring into place. A small crew, starting in the morning, can complete a focus
change by lunchtime, including rebalancing the telescope and attaching new
instruments. Focus changes are typically made several times each month.
For more on each configuration, read the popup sidebars for
cassegrain, and
... and the CAT (The 0.6-meter Coudé Auxiliary Telescope) |
The coudé spectrograph, though permanently mounted in its basement cave,
must share the telescope with other instruments at other foci, leaving only about
a third of the nights available to astronomers who wish to use the coudé focus.
The excellence of the coudé spectrograph and its suitability for the study of
bright stars led to construction of the Coudé Auxiliary Telescope (CAT) in 1969.
The CAT is a 0.6-meter reflector that can be focused on the entrance to the coudé
spectrograph when the 3-meter telescope is configured for cassegrain or prime
Unlike a conventional telescope, the CAT is fixed vertically just inside the wall of
the 3-meter dome, above the entrance to the spectrograph. Light is fed to the CAT
by a steerable flat mirror called a sidereostat, housed in a shed attached to
the south side of the dome. When the CAT is in operation, the roof of the shed is
retracted and the sidereostat pointed to an object in the sky. As the sidereostat
tracks a star, it reflects light through an opening in the dome wall, into the fixed
telescope, and finally into the spectrograph. (See a
diagram of the CAT.) The CAT and coudé spectrograph can be operated completely independently
of the 3-meter telescope, from a small control room in the basement.
Because there is less demand for CAT time than for 3-meter time, the CAT can
be used for scientific programs which require many nights of observation, such
as studies that monitor changing phenomena or those that require observations
of large samples of stars. Though only 0.6 meters in diameter, and with far less
light-gathering power than the 3-meter, the CAT has proven its worth many
times over for the study of bright stars. |