Lick Observatory has a highly trained scientific and technical staff, with a direct interest in lighting issues. The Lick staff prepared a technical report for the San Jose City Council in 1980, when the city was about to move away from Mercury vapor to a new lighting source. That report helped guide policy decisions on the future lighting of San Jose. We are happy to talk to public officials and civic groups on a less technical level about the exciting ongoing research at Lick Observatory, and how it is affected by the different types of city lighting.

For more information contact:

Office of the Director
UCO/Lick Observatory
University of California
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
Phone (831)459-2991; Fax (831)459-5244;
or visit the Lick web site
Further information on the effects of light pollution on astronomy can be found at the following sites:
International Dark-Sky Association
American Astronomical Society
British Astronomical Association
New England Light Pollution Advisory Group