Notifying of a Cancellation
For returning or swapping time on any telescope,
and for all changes in scheduled 3-meter observing, see also
Policy for Swapping or Changing or Cancelling Scheduled 3-m Time.

For notifying of a cancellation due to weather or emergency:

Send an email to ...

When cancelling a night or nights on any Lick telescope, it is essential that observers notify everyone who may be affected by or need to act on the cancellation, both on Mount Hamilton and in Santa Cruz. Observers should send a notice of the cancellation, as far in advance as possible, to the email alias Recipients include the mountain technical staff, support scientists, and the people in Santa Cruz responsible for scheduling the telescope, maintaining the posted schedule, and arranging for rooms.

Please note that the mail alias is reserved for cancelling a night due to weather or emergency. It is not to be used for rescheduling, swapping time, inquiries, or other purposes.

Additionally ...

To insure that the dewar scheduled for use is filled in the observer's absence, it is imperative that he or she confirm with the telescope operations manager or with a support astronomer that the cancellation has been received and that arrangements to fill the dewar have been made.

Telescope Operations Manager
Kostas Chloros,, 408 238 9613
Support Astronomers
Elinor Gates,, 408 238 9610
Paul Lynam,, 408 238 9617
Jon Rees,, 408 238 0759
408 238 4272

Telescope Scheduling
Matthew Shetrone,, 831 459 2201
Director's Office
Graseilah Coolidge,, 831 459 2991